We have a new and improved course search tool to help international students explore Australian study options. Find more information here

New Study Australia Course Search tool now available

We have released a new, improved Course Search tool to help you explore your Australian study options.

20 August 2024

A new, improved Course Search tool is now available to help you explore all available Australian study options – in Australia, online and on campuses around the world. This tool will be continuously improved over the coming months, and we welcome your feedback.

How this benefits you

  • A much better Course Search user experience, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. 
  • A new, extensive careers database to understand career pathways and find relevant courses to meet your career goals.
  • Accurate and up-to-date course data, including courses available to international students in Australia, online and via Australian transnational providers.
  • Profiles of Australian education providers, including universities, RTOs, colleges and schools, to help with your decision making.
  • Information on provider scholarships
  • Direct links from Course Search to provider, allowing you to contact any providers via email or website.  

Start searching for courses

Take the first step towards your Australian education. Use our Course Search tool to find the right course and location for you.