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Course credits and exemptions

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) or ‘course credits’ can allow you to continue your studies using what you have already learned.

Qualifications from other countries  

Australia has a system to recognise qualifications from other countries. The Australian Government’s National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) helps Australian education and training to identify prior learning from overseas. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

Some Australian education and training providers offer course credits or exemptions based on your previous studies. This is called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).  

Australian providers may offer RPL on:  

  • completed studies in similar subjects  
  • relevant training 
  • related work experience or workplace-based training, or 
  • professional licensing and examinations.  

Once you have applied for RPL, you may be given course credits or an exemption for part of your new course. 

Course credits 

Course credits may be given for studies in undergraduate and postgraduate higher education or vocational education and training (VET).  

The education provider offering your new course will decide whether your previous study or work experience is recognised under RPL for ‘course credit’. Course credits can reduce the length of your program and allow you to get your qualification in a shorter time.  

Course exemptions 

An exemption is a type of RPL that means you don’t need to take a compulsory or prerequisite unit of study because of your previous studies. However, to get your qualification, you will still need to complete the entire course by taking other subjects instead.  

How to get course credits or course exemptions 

Each education and training provider offering course credits or course exemptions will have their own RPL requirements. These can include documentation of your previous studies or relevant work experience. You may also need to provide academic transcripts or certificates and details on units of study already completed. 

Your Australian education or training provider will help you find the best course and enrolment plan based on your prior learning. Contact any Australian provider admissions office via the Study Australia Course Search tool.