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Migration system review

Following an Australian Government review of the migration system, a new discussion paper has now been released.

3 May 2023

Following an Australian Government review of the migration system, a new discussion paper called The Outline of the Government’s Migration Strategy was released. 

Recommendations and proposed reforms 

The Outline includes recommendations and proposed reforms that are relevant to international students and graduates, including:  

  • improving the job-readiness of international students 
  • establishing more efficient pathways to graduate visas for international students 
  • supporting international students with the greatest potential to succeed in the labour market in Australia, and 
  • ensuring that student visa holders are travelling to Australia for the genuine purpose of receiving a world class education.  

The final Migration Strategy was released on 11 December 2023. More information about the Migration Review and Outline of the Migration Strategy is available on the Home Affairs website.   

How we will be supporting international students 

Throughout the year, the Australian Government will work closely with all state and territory study destination agencies to support international students and graduates seeking employment in Australia.  

Together, we will develop a program of Study Australia activities that build on current resources such as the Study Australia Employability Hub and our range of helpful blog posts. Updates will be provided via the Study Australia website, student newsletter and social media channels

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