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The new Genuine Student requirement

The Australian Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement.

21 March 2024

As announced in the Migration Strategy released on 11 December 2023, the Australian Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement.  

What is the GS requirement?  

The GS requirement is an important step in the student visa application process.  

The new GS requirement replaces the previous 300-word statement with a list of targeted questions.  

These questions give visa decision makers information about you and your reasons for wanting to study in Australia, which gives context to the documentary evidence that you provide in support your application.  

What questions will be asked?  

The GS questions cover:  

  • Details of your current circumstances, including ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances. 
  • Why you chose your course and why you chose Australia as your study destination.  
  • How you will benefit from studying your chosen course.  
  • Details of your study history in Australia (if any). 
  • If you are holding a visa other than a Student visa, you will need to give reasons for applying for a Student visa. 
  • Any other relevant information that you’d like to provide.  

The Student visa declaration has also changed. It requires you to confirm that you: 

  • understand what it means to be a genuine student 
  • have read, understand and commit to comply with student visa conditions and to notify the Department of Home Affairs if your circumstances change. 
  • understand that while post-study pathways to permanent migration are available, only a limited number of graduates will be eligible.  

When will the changes come into effect?  

The GS requirement applies to Student visa applications lodged on or after 23 March 2024. 

Student visa applications lodged before 23 March 2024 will continue to be assessed according to the previous GTE requirement.  

Why has the GTE requirement changed?  

The new GS requirement provides clarity on how visa applications are assessed, removes confusion about whether applicants can express a desire to migrate to Australia and supports the Department of Home Affairs to identify non-genuine students.

A sustainable, high-quality international education sector will benefit genuine students, quality providers and education agents as well as employers (in Australia and around the world) seeking to attract Australia's talented international graduates. 

Does this change apply to Student Guardian visa applicants? 

No. Applicants for a Student Guardian visa will continue to be assessed against the GTE requirement.   

Where can I get more information? 

Further information about the changes is available through the Department of Home Affairs website.

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