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How an Australian education can set you up for entrepreneurial success

Discover how Australia can help you build entrepreneurial skills and be startup ready.

20 November 2023

A group of young entrepreneurs in a meeting room

Dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur?  

In this blog post, we explore how studying in Australia will help you think like an entrepreneur and give you access to one of the leading startup ecosystems in the world.  

Study options for aspiring entrepreneurs 

Studying with one of Australia’s world-class education providers will help you to think and learn in new ways. This means learning how to look for opportunities, adapt to change and view mistakes as a chance to try something different or improve.  

There are many specialised Australian courses in business-related studies. You will also find a wide range of qualifications that encourage you to think like an entrepreneur, no matter what subject area you are studying. 

In fact, many international students and graduates in Australia studying all kinds of courses have gone on to start their own business. Take, for example, Mandeep from India whose engineering studies helped to launch his career as both an engineer and entrepreneur.  

If you are looking for a specialist qualification, there are many study options available, such as:  

  • Bachelor or Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation degrees.  
  • Business and Commerce degrees. 
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees, with a focus on entrepreneurship. International student Carolina from Colombia studied a Bachelor of Business and an MBA and went on to launch a successful fashion and lifestyle brand in Australia. 
  • Postgraduate Diplomas, Certificates and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses with a wide range of specialisations.  

Australia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem 

Australia offers an ideal ecosystem for international students who dream of becoming entrepreneurs. According to Statista, Australia is considered one of the quickest countries in the world to start a business. Here are just some of the reasons why:   

  • There are government initiatives, tax incentives and grants (funding) available to help you start your business. 
  • Australia's well-developed financial sector and access to venture capital make it easier for you to secure the necessary funding.  
  • The country's stable economy provides a solid foundation for business operations.  
  • Australia has a culture of innovation in education, research and business. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than half of Australian businesses are innovation active.  
  • There is a strong intellectual property (IP) protection system, which is important if you are an innovative entrepreneur. 
  • Australia's multiculturalism exposes you to different perspectives to help create products and services with global appeal. 

Entrepreneurship programs 

Australia has a range of entrepreneurship programs to help you turn your innovative ideas into a thriving business. 

One example is the Australian Governement's Entrepreneurs' Programme which helps startups grow and scale their businesses. 

You can also join startup ‘incubators’, which are collaborative programs that help new startups succeed. 

There are many business competitions and mentorship programs where you can gain hands-on experience and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs.  

To find out what business and startup support services are available to you, do a web search for startup programs in your Australian city. 

Innovation hubs 

Australia is home to many innovation hubs and technology parks. These hubs bring together startups, established companies, researchers and investors in collaborative environments. There are many innovation hubs around Australia including some run by universities.  

Some major hubs include:   

Take the first step 

If you're ready to start your entrepreneurial journey, head to our Course Search tool and start enquiring with education providers today.   


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