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Study Australia Industry Experience Program (SAIEP)

Work on real-world industry projects to learn new skills, build your networks and boost your employability.

Program Overview 

The Study Australia Industry Experience Program (SAIEP) provides an opportunity for current Australian international students, who are studying in Australia, in their home country or online, to engage in real world industry projects with the end goal to improve post-study employment prospects. 

This free program connects international students directly with employers in Australia and internationally, while integrating with domestic Australian students within peer-to-peer communities. 

The co-curricular and online programs run for 25 hours over a two-week period, with student teams based across a wide range of Australian education providers. 


Current international students who are studying with an Australian education provider in Australia, in their home country or online. 

Application process

Register your interest by emailing our program managers. Please include your name, degree details and education provider’s name. 

More information

If you are a business or education provider wanting more information, visit our delivery partner’s website


"This program really boosted my self-confidence. I now know my strengths and weaknesses and which soft skills I need to concentrate on more. Also, since I am offshore, this industry experience program has been an amazing opportunity for me to create social contacts with students who are already in Australia." 

- Kaplan Business Student, Cohort 1


"The project team is to be commended for their excellent final report. The market sizing work was excellent and new information for us. Our company will soon launch a new website and I can confirm we will be implementing the recommendations from this project including the pricing recommendations." 

- Margaret Faux, Founder & CEO, Synapse