Why Australia?

Incredible environments

Australia is known for its diverse ecosystems, natural environments, and vast farmlands. It is an amazing place to gain expert knowledge in different climates and get hands-on experience in the field.

Globally recognised qualifications

Qualifications from Australian education providers meet the highest standards and are often recognised by international organisations. Because agriculture and agritech skills are needed worldwide, your studies could take you almost anywhere.

A future of innovation

Australia has become known as a world leader in agriculture and agritech, with a rich agricultural history and innovation at its core. What you learn will prepare you to face future challenges, finding a balance of traditional methods and new technologies to solve global problems.

Study options 

Agriculture and agritech courses will help you develop your knowledge and abilities in farming and using natural resources – not just on traditional farms, but also in water and other environments.  

You’ll learn about global, regional and local issues related to natural resource production, and how agritech is playing an increasingly important role. Explore topics like sustainable food production, farm management, land use, and growing and using plants.  

Whether you would like to gain practical skills working with plants and flowers or want to help improve farming and food security across the world, there are many study options available.  

Some of the areas that might interest you are: 

  • crop science 
  • agriculture 
  • forestry  
  • horticulture 
  • floristry 
  • agricultural science 
  • aquaculture (including fish production / fisheries). 

If you want a career that gets you closer to nature, and you have patience and like a challenge, then a course in agriculture or agritech might be what you are looking for.  

Fast facts

Quality education

7 Australian universities are ranked in the world’s top 100 for Agriculture and Forestry. (Source: QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024).

Regional Australia demand

Agriculture is spread across Australia’s many remote areas, with 74% of workers in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Innovators in agribusiness

Australia was a first to develop important agribusiness innovations like drought-resistant crops, and technology that can predict crop yields.

Career options

There are plenty of careers to choose from, depending on your studies and interests. Your career could even take you across the world. You could end up travelling to different climates for research, helping farmers overcome diseases in crops and livestock, improving farm management with new technologies, or leading conservation efforts to protect endangered animals.  

The diverse career options across agriculture and agritech include:  

  • farmer  
  • aquaculture farmer 
  • agricultural scientist 
  • conservation officer 
  • park ranger 
  • landscape gardener 
  • soil scientist 
  • viticulturalist (or grape grower, often for wine). 

Whether you prefer to work with plants or animals, this field of study is likely to involve a lot of hands-on, outdoor work. 

About the industries 

Agriculture and agritech is an essential and growing field – we depend on it for world trade, and for food security and survival.   

Australian farms produce around 93% of food consumed in Australia, and each farmer produces enough food to feed 600 people each year (150 in Australia and 450 overseas).

As advances in agriculture and agricultural technology help solve problems and improve processes, the industry needs more skilled professionals.  

In 2022, 2.1% of workers in Australia had a job in agriculture, forestry and fishing – that’s around 278,500 people. That number is expected to grow by 5.1% to 294,700 by the year 2026.  

Find out more about jobs and salaries. 


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