Undergraduate qualifications

Compare the different types of undergraduate qualifications offered by Australia’s universities and higher education providers.

Bachelor degree


Three to five years (depending on degree structure)

Completed following

 Year 12 or equivalent; Certificate III or Certificate IV in TAFE or vocational education and training (VET).


A Bachelor degree is often the minimum requirement for professional careers or further study. It often combines theory and practice to give you broad knowledge in your area of study.

Degrees at this level allow you to choose from different specialisations (majors or minors) to open up your career opportunities.

You may also be able to enrol in a double degree. By completing extra courses, you could graduate with two Bachelor degrees. You will be better prepared to work in your field or go on to further studies.

Bachelor degree (honours)


Usually a one-year honours program at the end of a three-year bachelor degree, as long as you meet your university’s academic requirements.

Completed following

Bachelor degree, with required academic results. 


In some cases, an Honours year will be built into your degree from the beginning. 

In other cases, if you do particularly well in your Bachelor degree, your institution might give you the opportunity to complete an additional year of study. This will allow you to graduate ‘with Honours’.

An Honours degree will usually involve some coursework and either a large project or a written thesis (a long essay) that is developed over the duration of your final Honours year.

Undergraduate Certificate


Six months

Completed following

Year 12 or equivalent; Certificate III or Certificate IV in TAFE or vocational education and training.


Undergraduate Certificates in Australia are open to students until 2025. 

These higher education certificates were developed as a temporary response to community and industry needs during COVID-19.

Undergraduate Certificates are usually made up of courses from existing qualifications. They can be used as a ‘bridge’ or ‘pathway’ into full undergraduate degrees or for professional advancement in the workplace. 

Depending on what individual institutions offer, these certificates cover knowledge and skills equivalent to those you might find in a Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate degree or Bachelor degree.

Associate degree


Two years

Completed following

Year 12 or equivalent; Certificate III or Certificate IV in TAFE or vocational education and training.


An Associate degree is a short undergraduate program that is one level below a Bachelor degree. It is offered at the same study level as an Advanced Diploma offered by TAFE or vocational education and training (VET) providers, but is delivered by universities and other higher education providers. 

It can be a pathway to a Bachelor degree, or help you move into work as a paraprofessional. A paraprofessional can assist professionals but cannot work as a fully qualified professional.

The knowledge you gain in an Associate degree will usually cover the basics or foundations of your study field. It will include the broad theory and prepare you with essential industry-relevant skills.