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Gabriella Angelica from Indonesia

Gabriella studies molecular sciences in Perth. Find out about the fascinating world of science and how she is already making a difference.

6 February 2024

International student Gabriella enjoying a cappucino

Why I decided to study in Perth 

The first time I visited Perth was 5 years ago on vacation with my family. I instantly fell in love with the city. It has an amazing work-life balance and lovely people all around, not to mention breathtaking scenery. I just knew Perth was where I wanted to be.  

I studied hard in high school because I dreamed of going to The University of Western Australia (UWA) which is among the top universities in the world.  

I was awarded with The Global Excellence Scholarship to study Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science. Of course, I chose to study at UWA and I’m so grateful that I was accepted.  

Time flies, and suddenly it has been 2 years since I came to study in Perth. I am excited to start my master's degree in biomedical science later this year. 

My passion for science 

I majored in sciences in high school as I’ve always found biology and medicine fascinating. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic intensified my curiosity, particularly in vaccines and their molecular intricacies. This led me to go deeper into the biomedical science field, specifically in biochemistry.  

I am driven by the desire to contribute to developments in medicine and human health. This also aligns with my mission to contribute to creating a better world.   

My studies 

I am currently studying the intricate aspects of biochemistry and physiology of the human body.  

The coursework is thoughtfully designed using a hands-on approach through practical labs. The emphasis on practical elements enriches our learning experience. It allows us to easily integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. 

My first internship 

My desire to contribute to a greater purpose came to life when I started my first internship in The Research Laboratory at UWA. 

I collaborated and worked alongside PhD students to develop a blood biomarker to measure the effectiveness of clinical treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - a fatal muscle wasting disorder with no cure.  

This internship gave me a sense of purpose and belonging, which kept me motivated even at times when things were challenging.  

International science student, Gabriella in the lab

Beginning my career 

Alongside my studies, I am working as a New Energy Scientist at Woodside Energy. This role has given me the opportunity to contribute to the mission to net-zero 2050. 

The mission aims to transform greenhouse gas emissions into valuable chemicals or alternative fuels. This has potential far-reaching benefits to the global effort to address climate change and for a more sustainable future.  

This role has allowed me to be an active participant in driving positive change. It is different to what I am used to, which has pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I have learnt so much.  

On top of that, I have been given the chance to further expand my network to other professionals in this field.  


During my time in Australia, I have been focusing on self-growth, both personally and professionally beyond academia.  

My experiences as an International Student Ambassador for StudyPerth as well as UniMentor at UWA has helped me to improve my leadership and public speaking skills.  

I have also been able to network and collaborate with many people from various cultures and backgrounds. I find it very fulfilling to be part of a team that creates a safe place and makes international students, like me, feel at home. 

Advice for other aspiring women scientists 

"Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it." - Marie Curie 

Embrace imperfection without fear, as perfection is an unattainable goal. As a perfectionist myself, I've noticed that I sometimes procrastinate by overthinking and planning in my mind instead of taking action.  

The underlying fear of imperfection often holds me back. But I have learnt that things will never be flawless.  

Whether it’s our technical skills in the lab or networking skills outside of it - practice is the key to achieving our goals. So, don’t be afraid to start, don’t be afraid to try, and don’t be afraid to fail.  

Seize the moment and give your best to ensure you have no regrets.  

Lastly, surround yourself with loving people who will grow with you, support you in your battles, and celebrate your success. 

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