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Harvi from India

Harvi knows there’s nothing that brings people together like good food. His Culinary Arts and Chef Training in Australia gave him everything he needed to succeed in the hospitality industry.

I believe, if you study in Australia as a Chef you can pretty much walk into any country and get a job as a Chef. 

My Culinary Arts and Chef Training at William Blue College of Hospitality Management gave me everything I needed to succeed in the hospitality industry.

What I enjoyed most about studying in Australia was how everything was more hands on with more practical work and lots of presentations. The professors were Ex-Executive Chefs and the ingredients we were working with were world-class.

They had a great student placement system, where they help you transition from college to your professional life. I was lucky enough to go through that system and get a job at Crown Plaza straight away. 

Today I am the owner of Comon Ground Coffee and Kitchen in Hurstville, Sydney. 

Watch the video to hear Harvi's story. 

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