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Be inspired by the fascinating life, study and work experiences of students in Australia.
Karan studied an Australian Master of Business degree in Singapore to prepare him for an international career in financial services.
Learn how Zia’s Australian education played a critical role in helping her work with the World Health Organisation to combat malaria.
Learn about PHD student Salwa’s experience living, studying Education and volunteering in Australia.
Devendra’s volunteering, outside of his studies, led to amazing experiences and helped launch his career.
Discover how Mandeep's studies in Australia launched his career as an engineer and entrepreneur, helping emergency services workers save lives and time.
Yumna studied a Master in Public Policy under the prestigious Australia Award Scholarship program. She’s now an NGO program leader and helping women at risk.
Chrisanti followed her designing dreams to study in Australia and eventually co-found one of Indonesia’s biggest digital beauty platforms.
Chi’s career has taken her from Vietnam to Singapore to the US, working for some of the world’s largest multinational companies including Google.
Dr Kwan Leung Chia has a passion for integrating Eastern and Western medicine.
Learn about Anushka’s exchange semester experience in Perth studying at Edith Cowan University, her Indian university’s partner in Australia.
How an aspiration to work for the World Health Organisation led Reema to study in Australia and complete a Master of Public Health.
After completing a Master of Business and a Master of Professional Accounting in Australia Prajit was offered graduate jobs in multiple states.