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Be inspired by the fascinating life, study and work experiences of students in Australia.
Learn about Radhika's experience applying for an Australia Awards Scholarship and studying at the University of Melbourne.
Rose pursued her interests in law and technology while studying in Australia. Today, she is a dual registered lawyer, and a privacy and data protection expert.
Originally from Jakarta, Luisa came to Australia to study a Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Queensland.
Former international student, Hyemi Lee, started a wine distribution business with two fellow international student alumni.
Learn about Angella Ndaka, who studied a Master of Public Policy as an Australia Awards scholar. Today she is leading impactful work empowering women and girls in Kenya.
Learn about Zu Jia’s experience completing remote studies and a student exchange program with Monash University.
Discover how Mingjun Sun landed her job at a top-tier banking corporation after completing a Master of Finance at ANU’s College of Business and Economics.