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Devendra from India

Devendra’s volunteering, outside of his studies, led to amazing experiences and helped launch his career.

13 December 2023

Headshot of Devendra from India smiling

Hi, I'm Devendra from Jaipur, India.  

I moved to Australia to pursue a Master of Business Information Systems course at Melbourne’s Monash University after completing my Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Jaipur. 

Why I chose to study in Australia  

Australia has a combination of top ranked universities, most livable cities and a multicultural vibe. These were the reasons why I chose this place, and I would choose it again if I was given another chance. 

Life in Melbourne  

I have been enjoying Melbourne ever since I first stepped foot in this city. Every day is a new experience for me. Meeting new people and getting to know about their culture is part of my daily life. 

But it’s Melbourne’s vibrant arts and cultural scene that really inspires my love for the city. You seem to find some new festival, exhibition or event going on almost every week. 

Getting involved  

During my time at Monash University, I was determined to gain experience outside of my studies. I believe it’s important to find a balance between studies, a part-time job, volunteering and time for yourself. This will give you a wide variety of experiences. 

I joined a number of university committees, and became the international students’ officer for the Monash Postgraduate Association. I was also an ambassador for both Study Melbourne and the City of Melbourne.  

I value the experience that each role has brought me. My work as the international officer at the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations has been particularly rewarding.   

In this role, I was responsible for representing half a million students across Australia. I loved it, did my best, and was re-elected for a second term. I  worked on a national level with leaders – both student and community leaders – from all over Australia. 

The benefits of volunteering 

Being an ambassador for these Melbourne organisations has had so many benefits. It has given me the chance to get to know Melbourne and its multicultural residents in a new way.  

I’ve been to places that I would never have gone otherwise, and I’ve met some amazing people. These experiences were truly worth living for. 

I gained a wealth of knowledge and business experience from my volunteer work, and this has helped to launch my career. At the moment, I’m working with a couple of startups and marketing them across Australia and India. 

Advice for other international students  

If you’re eager to get involved with volunteering, I suggest that you look at the opportunities your available through your education provider. They will have many opportunities to network, so it's a good starting point. 

I also recommend that you begin networking with organisations. You can use online platforms such as LinkedIn, but personally, I have preferred in person networking. 

My final piece of advice is to be open to everything that comes your way! 

Interested in volunteering?

Find out how you can get involved on our volunteer page.

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