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Masterclasses, inspiring student stories and helpful tips and advice (blogs).
Be inspired by the fascinating life, study and work experiences of students in Australia.
Carolina launched a successful fashion brand after completing a Bachelor of Business and MBA in Australia.
Learn how scholarships, volunteering and a supportive community in Darwin are shaping Sabrina’s future in cyber security.
Apoorva moved to Australia to pursue a Master of Public Health at Adelaide University. Find out what it was like for her to settle into her new life and how her studies prepared her for an incredible career in Public Health.
Olivia shares her experiences of settling into Australia and tells us how her Master of Teaching degree led to a rewarding career.
Find out about Alex's journey as a nursing student in Adelaide and how her practical placements are helping to prepare her for work after graduation.
MBA student Neha tells us about her study and work experience in Australia and shares some helpful tips on how to be job ready.
Gabriella studies molecular sciences in Perth. Find out about the fascinating world of science and how she is already making a difference.
Learn about Tiffany’s experience studying in Australia, where volunteering while studying gave her new skills, new networks and the confidence to get a job.
Find out how Budi launched one of the fastest growing Indonesian logistics companies since completing his Master of Information and Computer Technology.
Find out why Siddhartha (Sid) chose to study in Australia and how a Master of Public Health led him to an exciting career supporting the health of people in remote communities.
Find out how a passion for mathematics led Manela on a successful education and career journey in Australia.
Discover how an Australian education helped Dr Buddhima achieve her dream academic career in STEM.